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Impressed by her skills and techniques, he was pleased to have been defeated by a worthy foe, and honored that Hibana was his 1000th adversary. In the end, Kazaguruma was defeated and mortally wounded by Hibana.

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As Jimushi and the others escaped, Kazaguruma readied his blade and challenged Hibana to a duel. After Jimushi's group infiltrated the demon infested streets of Tokyo in search of Akujiki, they were tracked down by Hibana. He took down many potential threats and achieved nine hundred and ninety nine victories.

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Over the years, Kazaguruma worked for Jimushi and became an asset to his team. Eventually, he joined Jimushi's group when the master shinobi noticed his talents. He became a renegade ninja because he desired to fight only powerful foes. Kazaguruma was a skillful shinobi with a lust for battle. He was an honorable warrior who claimed that she was his one-thousandth opponent. Kazaguruma was the first member of Jimushi's mercenary group to confront Hibana, the skilled government agent who was Jimushi's former student. Kazaguruma (in Japanese: 風車, Windmill) is a villain in Nightshade who was employed by the Nakatomi Corporation and was known as the " Shinobi of Wind".

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